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Judge Gavel


The Firm represents physicians in disputes and internal hospital hearings where credentialing rights are suspended or revoked, especially in connection with disputes with other physicians, nurses and staff. Represenative representations include situations where physicians are accused of being engaging in  "disruptive behavior."  The Firm works with physicians to avoid negative reporting on the National Practitioner Data Bank


Here are some articles that summarize the predicament some physicians encounter, especially in highly politicized hospital environments.  


Sham Peer Review: The Ultimate Fraud


Sham Peer Review: Abuse of Referrals for Psychiatric and Neuropsychological Assessment

Doctor Using Digital Tablet
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Law Office of Ethan A. Brecher, LLC
244 Fifth Avenue, Second Floor
Suite # B241
New York, NY 10001
Phone: 866-971-0157

Email: Ethan Brecher

Ethan A. Brecher, an attorney with 33 years of experience in litigating complex issues involving employment and securities disputes in the financial services industry as well as commercial/business litigation and divorce litigation.


Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Contact Info


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