Move Gone Wrong: Ex-J.P. Morgan Broker Battles Firm After Termination for ‘Underperformance’
VIDEO: June 2, 2016 69th Annual Conference on Labor: Mediation and Arbitration of Employment and Consumer Disputes
Ex-CTO drags Society Pass into court for “breaching employment contract”, seeks over US$1.3M in damages
Appeals Court Sides With Employee, Upholds $4 Million Award In Retaliatory Firing Dispute
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Ex-J.P. Morgan Broker Seeks to Vacate $450K Arb Award
Barclays Ordered to Pay $2.1 Million to Trader Fired in Libor Scandal
Ex-Citi Broker Wins $4 Million in Wrongful Termination Case
Mr. Brecher has authored the following articles that have been published on Law360:
Mr. Brecher has authored the following articles that have been published in the New York Law Journal:
Failing to Pay a Finra Arbitration Award the Good the Bad and the Ugly
Non-Mutual Issue Preclusion in Arbitration, NYU 67th Annual Conference on Labor, June 5-6, 2014
The Treasury Department’s “Compensation Czar”
Theft of a Trade Secret is Now a Federal Crime
Brokerages Deal With Question of Unclean Hands
Putting the Reins on Employment Arbitration: Courts Safeguard Employee Rights
Provisional Relief in Aid of Arbitration (co-author)
Use of Subpoenas in Arbitration
Additionally, he co-authored a chapter in The Practicing Law Institute’s “Securities Arbitration 2000” course book on the subject of discovery in securities arbitration.
Other publications include:
When to Defend Promissory Note Cases? That One in a Thousand Case. (New York State Bar Association March 2014)
“Compensation Claims in Securities Industry Arbitration,” published in Compensation, Work Hours and Benefits, Proceedings of the New York University 57th Annual Conference on Labor (Wolters Kluwer 2009)
“Whistleblower Claims before the NASD and NYSE,” published in Retaliation and Whistleblowers, Proceedings of the New York University 60th Annual Conference on Labor (Wolters Kluwer 2009).